Rebus Adolescenza

Rebus Adolescenza

And yet this modern family moves and it is never enough to discuss parenting especially in critical moments such as those of our children's adolescence. 
The church of Torrita di Siena with the worthy parish priest Don Andrea Malacarne, also in this jubilee year has decided to accompany their families on a pilgrimage of hope that starts from the domestic walls towards the parish community. 
Thus a lively meeting was born, and it could not have been otherwise given the theme Adolescence and Family, with the psychologist psychotherapist Erika Buracchi who accompanied the parents in the beginning of a journey of liberation from false beliefs, discouragement, pessimism that poorly nourish the family climate. 
The myth of the friendly parent who becomes an adolescent with the child in a drunkenness of customs has definitively collapsed, educational common sense rather to a model of parents present to themselves, capable of building and maintaining solid, containing, directive banks. Already in the homily for the opening of the Jubilee Year in Chiusi, Cardinal Augusto Paolo Lo Judice had denounced the danger of our young people pervaded by depressive crises, panic attacks and even increasing suicides, the result, in part, of a model of emotional education that had replaced the traditional normative family. 
We often hear repeated to listen to and follow one's emotions, to indulge an idea of pleasure in every action, to suspend judgment to follow instinct, starting from children who are asked to understand rather than obey: never a no, never a suffering, green light to overprotection in normal stumbles, overexcitement of daily life in a scheduled filling of life: everything must be entertainment. In many families, then, they want to redeem their social status by continually proposing educational activities aimed at developing a child who is as original as possible, attentive to what happens in the world but without the enzymes necessary to metabolize a world that proceeds in a whirlwind way towards a decadence of ethical, moral, religious values. Highly adultized children, explains Dr. Buracchi, who embody this so-called post-narcissistic educational model. Once upon a time, adolescents opened their backpacks, took all the teachings, the ethical behavioral norms of adults and enjoyed breaking them down, mixing them up, testing them. with transgressions and oppositions. While in the current narcissistic family, the adolescent child is burdened with expectations, ideal models inculcated by the social system, insistent but inevitable, towards models specifically constructed with which few know how to keep up with a critical spirit, common sense, malice capable of recognizing deception. Hence the profound crisis of the young person who cannot keep up and collapses: too thin, too beautiful, too cool. Thus emerges the reality of an adultized childhood followed by an infantilized adolescence. And how do adults manage this crisis? Most of the time with an inability to deeply understand, to identify, to help, taking refuge in the usual scapegoat: it's all the fault of the cell phone. The psychologist comes to meet us with wise moderation: "There are no perfect parents and even less is there an ideal educational line... there are united families capable of always questioning themselves critically on their own mistakes and strong on their own resources. Let's try to go beyond the clichés, the adolescent has changed because society has changed because we adults have changed". In the jubilee we are offered a chance to live and discover the justice of God in our lives, to welcome and live our today concretely with the Word, to bring the good news to the poor (ourselves parents). We are freed, healed and filled by the Holy Spirit that was given to us by the Gospel to open ourselves more and more to this gift that is given to us by the Savior. Why not at this point be guided by trained professionals, that our mother church presents to us, human, honest, who help us in emergency situations or maybe even before, when those warning signs of trouble already appear that would be enough to manage wisely to avoid the worst: and as we know, being a parent is learned by living, like a good essay that necessarily has to be written immediately in a clean copy.

Valentina NIccolai

Dott.ssa Erika Buracchi

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