Aladin a Siena

Aladin a Siena

The 2024/2025 theater season of the Siena Theaters has opened with a bang. The fresh and captivating touch is due to the sparkling Artistic Director Vincenzo Bocciarelli who has offered the city a season opening with a bang.
 In the wonderful Cortile del Podestà, a “stellar” red carpet has been rolled out with famous guests and actors loved by the general public: Valeria Marini, Alessandro Orrei, Karin Proia, Chiara Conti, Kaspar Capparoni, Marina Suma, the new Miss Italy from Siena Ofelia Passaponti and others. On the bill for the Teatro dei Rinnovati Aladin the musical, the story freely inspired by one of the most famous tales of One Thousand and One Nights - Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp. The show will be on tour until spring 2025. 

The story itself is strong, it governs everything and triggers immediate alchemy with the audience of young and old who relived the tale of One Thousand and One Nights, in an atmosphere of grandiose special effects. The cast of highly trained young actors, able to sing, dance and act splendidly. An unmissable show also thanks to the soundtrack and beautiful costumes. Music and songs have played their role perfectly: introducing the viewer to understand the state of mind of the character in a mix of psychology, description and empathy. But it couldn't have been otherwise, given the author. 
Let's take a leap into the history of our beloved Pooh. Putting aside the experience with the group of which he was the author and manager, Stefano d'Orazio launched himself into the theatrical enterprise with Aladin, the Musical: a challenge won with himself and immediately welcomed with great affection by the audience of young and old. 

The cast: Aladin (Eugenio Grandi) and Princess Jasmine (Angela Ranica) and laughing with the very talented Abu (Federico Della Sala) and Shadia (Sofia Radicioni) and with the Sultan (Lorenzo Pozzaglia) and Lunatica (Serena Riccardi), with special mention for the skill of Andalù (Michele Rossano). All important, complex roles, skillfully performed by a cast of young talents who, through singing, choreography and costumes, have perfectly integrated into the plot, giving that touch of spectacular magic to the musical. 

And the genius? Great anticipation for the return to the theater, after years of Striscia la Notizia, of the eclectic Max Laudadio capable of entertaining with his satirical jokes that have perhaps dampened the dream a bit in favor of a few more laughs. This makes this Aladin unique and original, exploiting Max's well-known audacity to create something new and innovative. How can we forget that flying carpet over the night of Baghdad that brought the musical endless emotions.
In short, with a memorable Aladin, Siena hit its goal: great success with the public, endless emotions, joyful entertainment making families the co-protagonists of the evenings at the Rinnovati, all sold out. 

The Theaters of Siena present themselves to the city with a very rich program capable of making spectators dream, relax, rejoice in an atmosphere of love. 
This is the intention of the great Artistic Director Vincenzo Bocciarelli who invites the public to the next musical recital, Madre Terra with Grazia di Michele, in which Siena pays homage to the great Dean of the Italian Theater Glauco Mauri, our Bocciarelli's maestro, one month after his passing.

Valentina Niccolai

  • Valeria Marini Red Carpet a Siena

  • Teatri di Siena Inaugurazione

  • Any Dance incanta Palazzo Pubblico

  • Miss Italia Ofelia Passaponti

  • Vincenzo Bocciarelli e Valeria Marini

  • Aladin il Musical

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