Zahcor Golden Actors

Zahcor Golden Actors

In a authoritarian state there is only one truth, proclaimed from above. In an authoritarian state it is recognized as licit to alter the truth. This was throughout Italy between 1924 and 1945. So in National Socialist Germany; so it still is in many countries….If this is a man Primo Levi.
Thus opens the touching theatrical piece In Memoria, by the GOLDEN ACTORS Company. Very good actors who, in a climate full of pathos, made us retrace dramatic life scenes of the shoah, in Jewish devastating storm such as the extermination of the Jewish people during the Second World War.A special thanks to those who immersed us in this bitter memory: Emma De Nola, Giacomo Faccini, Antonio Frazzoni, Angelica Pisilli, Mattia Ranaldo, Barbara Pierucceti and Laura Ruocco

Valentina Niccolai

  • Golden Actors In Memoria

  • La shoah secondo la Golden Actors

  • Opera di Ivan Olivieri In Memoria

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