Opera Santa Rita Onlus

Opera Santa Rita Onlus

The wedding has a soul especially when behind each creation there are profound stories, sometimes suffered. Here the favors packaged from training centers boys dell’Opera Santa Rita. Special kids with physical or psychological problems greeted with love by training professionals in rehabilitative projects. To facilitate the rehabilitation, upgrading of residual capacity and their integration into society, there is nothing better than craftsmanship. The gentle Maria Novella, shows us at the fair in Prato  the result of this commitment. Have a look  they do not seem made by real professionals?

  • Opera Santa Rita Onlus

  • Opera Santa Rita Onlus

  • Opera Santa Rita Onlus

  • Opera Santa Rita Onlus

  • Opera Santa Rita Onlus

  • Opera Santa Rita Onlus

Opera Santa Rita Onlus

P.zza San Rocco, 3
- Prato - Italy

Tel: +0574 21245
E-mail: info@operasantarita.it
Web Site: www.operasantarita.it

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